NoCo ASC - Optional Scrambling Trip – RMNP - Bear Lake TH - Ptarmigan Glacier

Field trip: Alpine Scrambling Course

NoCo ASC - Optional Scrambling Trip – RMNP - Bear Lake TH - Ptarmigan Glacier

Ptarmigan Glacier snow travel trip for the Northern Colorado Alpine Scrambling Course.

  • Sat, Jun 3, 2023
  • Northern Colorado
  • Scrambling
  • Intermediate Alpine Climb
  • Adults
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,980 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 12,324 ft
  • Pace: Moderate

We will plan to meet at Pringle's Liquor at the corner of Drake Rd and Taft Hill Rd. in Fort Collins.  If we have others on the trip from Loveland we can make a stop in route at the Jax Store at Wilson and Eisenhower.  Our DEPARTURE times will be 5:30 am from Fort Collins and 5:50 am from Loveland.

If there are any adjustments to the times I will let everyone know.

This is an elective scrambling trip for the NoCo Alpine Scrambling Course.   We will travel from the Bear Lake TH to Lake Helene, then mostly off-trail to Ptarmigan Glacier and up to Flat Top Mtn.  We may tag Hallett Pk depending on weather and the decision of the group.

This trip will be a snow travel experience, the slope angle will not exceed 45 degrees.  Depending upon snow conditions we may elect to use micro spikes or crampons.  It may also be necessary to travel with snowshoes. I will make sure to let everyone know the required gear to bring a few days prior to the trip.  I do not expect to need a rope for assistance in climbing or for safety such as a fixed line.  We will all need to have an ice axe for the trip and basic knowledge of self-arrest.  We will travel near some possible avalanche terrain so we will pay close attention to our route to avoid any possible avalanche hazards.

Depending on the feelings of the group, we will make a decision once we reach the saddle at the top of Flat Top Mtn, as to whether to continue on to Hallett Pk or to descend the Flat Top Trail.  If we extend the trip to Hallett, it will add approximately 400' more elevation gain and about 1.7 miles.


instructors will earn:


RMNP - Bear Lake TH

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 Essentials

As required by the trip leader.  Once I access the route a couple of days before the trip, I will let everyone know what gear is required.

Trip Reports