PPG BMS - Basic/Intermediate Rock Climbing - 2023

Climbing Course

Rock Climbing

This course is the second course in the Pikes Peak Group's Basic Mountaineering School (BMS) curriculum.


The PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals Course is the prerequisite for this course.  Students must have earned the "Wilderness Trekking School Student" badge or have been granted a waiver to be able to register for this course.

This course may also be a prerequisite for trips or other PPG schools.

First Classroom Session (6-7pm): Lecture via Zoom

During this initial one-hour session we will conduct our intros with the instructors and check-in with each student, provide an overview of the course, review the required equipment list and assign the homework.

Second Classroom Session (6-7pm): Lecture via Zoom

During this second one-hour session we will review the homework, answer any equipment questions and introduce the agenda for the Ground School.

Ground School (4:30pm - dusk): Garden of the Gods

This field session will introduce the student to climbing communications, climbing knots, top rope climbing techniques, rappelling basics and an introduction to the use of natural anchors.  If students feel ready, they may elect to be tested on the skills listed on their Skills Evaluation sheet.

Field Day (8am - 5pm): Castlewood Canyon

This field session will provide the student with a day of climbing utilizing proper communications, climbing knots, top rope climbing techniques, rappelling techniques, prusik use to ascend/descend a fixed line and rope management/care.  Students should be prepared to complete final testing on all of the skills listed on their Skills Evaluation sheet.

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

-  All required equipment listed on the 2023 BMS Rock Gear Supplement gear list

- Freedom of the Hills, edition 9 textbook

- Ten Essentials

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.