Pine Valley Ranch Park


Hiking – Pine Valley Ranch Park

Pine Valley Park to Raspberry Ridge round trip. Climb the stairs out of Pine Valley Lake to Pike National Forest to our high point on Raspberry Ridge with views of the surrounding area.

  • Thu, May 23, 2024
  • Bobcats Section
  • Hiking
  • Adults
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,640 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 8,800 ft
  • Pace: 2. mph uphill and 3 mph downhill

Meeting Place for Car Pooling to the Park:  Meet at the Fort Restaurant parking to the south along the road.  Exit Hwy 285 on CO 8 at the first exit just west of the C470 junction. Meet before 7:15 am for a 7:30 am departure.

Call my cellphone if you are running late:  415-297-9059

If you are meeting us at the trailhead, please let me know so we don’t wait for you. We should be there between 8 and 8:15 am. 

Drive To Trailhead Mileage: 26 miles– Hwy 285 south (west) to Pine Valley Rd (Jeffco 126). Turn left at the light and follow 126  about 5.9 miles to Crystal Lake Road. Turn right on to follow to the lower parking lot.

 Car Pooling Cost Sharing: round trip approximately 53 mi.  for a shared cost of $19/car pool.

We will start in Pine Lake Park, then climb the stairs, following the Strawberry Jack trail into Pike National Forest.  We will go east on the Homestead Trail to the top of Raspberry ridge.  There is a little scrambling at the top.  We will return on Homestead to the Skipper Trail, then head north again on the Buck Gulch trail back to the Pine Valley Lake and the parking lot.


Pine Valley Ranch Park

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Bring you 10 essentials, a lunch and plenty of water.  I'll report on weather when we get closer to the date.

Trip Reports