Resort Skiing/Snowboarding – GREEN trails - Beaver Creek Ski Resort
GREEN trails - Beaver Creek Ski Resort
- Tue, Mar 12, 2024
- Gore Range
- Resort Skiing/Snowboarding
- Adults
- Easy
- Easy
- 8 (7 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
MEET: We will meet at the Beaver Creek Resort entrance at 9:30 am. This is at the termination of the shuttle bus route. Exit the shuttle bus, and meet as a group at the fire pit on your right. We will walk to the lift area as a group.
The Beaver Creek Resort link provides information on paid parking in the resort area.
Cheapest parking is available at the Elk or Bear Lot. 2023 rates were $10. Current rates are not yet posted. From Interstate 70, take Exit 167 to Avon, Beaver Creek. Drive through two (2) roundabouts. At the third roundabout, take Rt 6 West. After a short distance, there is paid parking on your left. The first lot is Elk Lot, and the second lot is Bear Lot. Shuttle bus provides service to the resort entrance and fire pit.
GEAR: You must provide your own ski or snowboarding gear and ski pass. Helmets are required.
SKIING: We will spend the day skiing on groomed beginner (GREEN) trails in Red Buffalo and McCoy Parks. We will stay together as a group. This trip is for a skier that wants to cruise green trails at a comfortable level. This trip is for a skier that wants to work on personal skills and style. This trip is for a skier that wants camaraderie at an easy ski level. No ski instruction will be provided. This is not your first day on skies. You must be competent on green trails and be able to easily get on and off the ski lifts. We will continue to ski until the lifts close or the group decides to end earlier. Apres’ ski is optional.
LUNCH: A lunch stop will be planned (bring your own or plan to purchase). We will try to meet up with the other GRG Intermediate Downhill Ski group.
LINK to Beaver Creel Ski Resort:
Please note: Participants' email addresses may be shared with other participants, and trip images may be shared on Facebook or other media. If you have known medical conditions that may manifest themselves during this activity, please notify the leader before the trip. Do not come if you are sick.
Please notify me by phone or text by 7:00 am if you need to cancel on the day of the trip. 978-460-1752.
I will send an email the day before this trip with final confirmation.
Required Equipment
GEAR: You must provide your own ski or snowboarding gear and ski pass. Helmets are required.