Twin Peaks - Sangre de Cristo

Sangre de Cristo Peak. The summit offers a large view looking west across the San Luis Valley. Mileage 11.85, Elevation Gain 4,630 ft, Summit 13,580 ft.

The South Zapata Lake Trail and Twin Peaks can be accessed either from the South or West. 

From the south, take Rt. 160 West from Fort Garland and follow signs towards Sand Dunes National Monument, turn north on Rt. 150. Continue north for 12 or 13 miles until you see signs for the Zapata Falls access road on the east side of the highway.

From the west, to reach the same location, travel east on Rt. 150, just north of Mosca. Drive up the rough and rocky road 2.8 miles to a parking area. There is a campground and facilities at the parking area which may be accessible by passenger cars depending on road conditions. 

The trail goes past the waterfalls and up South Zapata Creek drainage to South Zapata Lake. Approx. 0.2 miles near the end of the trees leave the trail and climb south west following a drainage to the summit . The ascent is mostly grassy slopes with some willows, hike west and SW aiming for a sub-ridge that comes off Twin Peaks south summit. Climb up to the ridge to reach a flat area at 12,660 ft. From the flat area, continue west up the ridge on tundra and talus to the south and LOWER summit of Twin Peaks. Head north along the ridge crest to the higher north summit, which is higher.

The descent can be made by retracing your steps or by going NE along the ridge before dropping off to the east and then taking a contouring descent back to the SE staying above cliffs and rock outcrops to rejoin the ascent route near the 12,660 ft. At this point reverse the up route to return to the trailhead.

  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Length: 11.85 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,630 ft
  • 13,584 ft
  • Land Manager: U.S. Forest Service
    Conejos Peak Ranger District (RGNF)
  • Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
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