Nurture the Land, yourself and others. How Caring for the Land improves life and health span.
$15.00 | 189 (200 capacity) | |
$0.00 | 39 (40 capacity) | |
$20.00 | ||
$5.00 |
Join us (kids are free!) for an evening of discussion about preservation, conservation and regeneration of the Land we tread upon in Boulder County and how you can be part of its enrichment, and yours.
Rocky Mountain Indigenous Dancers will lead us off with how their culture has cared through connection with the Land. Learn how the dance in full-regalia, although beautiful to behold, is about physically and spiritually connecting with the land and by doing so giving to the Land. When connected to someone, like the Land, your instinct is to nurture and protect, to give all and take only what you need.
We will then have presentations and discussions with those that are hands-on with the Land and how the steps you take can help.
Increase and improve your lifespan, health span and wellbeing. Hear about the evidence supporting more time in the Wild.
Representatives from Indian Peaks Wilderness Association, Wilderness Restoration Volunteers, Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, Colorado Mountain Club and others will be there to educate us on their roles, priorities and how we can be more involved - hands on the Land, letting your voice be heard and sharing some of your personal, spiritual and financial wealth.