
The Ultimate Summer Adventure with CMC: Personalized Overnight Experience at Brainard Lake
6 reasons you should book a customized trip with the CMC this summer!

Teen Moab Rock to River Course Recap
Earlier in June, we hosted our teen Rock to River course in Moab, Utah, and it was one for the books!

Risk Management Corner: June 2024
An article on risk managment in the wilderness by Keith Stinebaugh

CMC Leadership Communication Survey Results (May 2024)
Results from a Leadership Survey sent out to School Leader

Celebrate the Start of Summer with a CMC Press Sale
Save 30% on CMC Press Summer Favorites

Update from your Chief Executive Officer
Update from May 2024

Action Alert: Winter Travel Planning Begins on the Rio Grande National Forest
Help shape the future of winter recreation on the Rio Grande National Forest. Learn how to participate in the over-snow-vehicle planning process today!

USFS permitting updates
Check out the most recent email sent to each group representative regarding USFS permitting!

2024 Leadership Summit: May 11, 2024 RECAP
A summary of the Leadership Summit that took place in Monument, Colorado.

Enter to Win Tickets to Outside Festival!
Outside Festival is going to be a weekend celebrating all things outdoors, and we're giving away a pair of 2-day tickets!

Teen Summer Courses: A Place to Make Friends, Build Confidence, and Connect Offline
Colorado Mountain Club's summer courses offer teens a way to connect with nature, their peers, and themselves.

An Introduction to Mapping using CalTopo
An Introduction to Mapping using Caltopo specific for documenting use with permitting.

Get to Know Our New CEO: Meet Madeline Bachner Lane
Join us in welcoming Colorado Mountain Club's new Chief Executive Officer: Madeline Bachner Lane!

Risk Management Corner: February
Two incident reports during Snowshoe Trips

A Case for Maintaining WFA as a CMC Trip Leader or Instructor
5 Considerations for Wilderness First Aid Retention

New Image Brewing X Colorado Mountain Club
The Great Beer-Naming Contest!

Permitting for your courses seem confusing? Frustrating? CMC is here to help!
Permitting seems like a daunting process and can be hard to understand at times. As tricky as seems, here is some general information to make you more comfortable with the process. If you have additional questions, please reach out to

An Annual Update on CMC Reporting Through Navex Ethicspoint
A year ago we reported on our first year with Navex Ethicspoint. In 2022 there were 15 reports filed on 10 separate cases. Now we want to share the results of a second year with this third-party reporting system that allows members and staff to report on behavior and misconduct anonymously and have CMC leadership follow-up. In 2023 we fielded eleven reports on ten separate cases.

Hit the Trail with Confidence: The 10th Edition of the official Colorado Trail Guidebook is Here!
New from CMC Press: The 10th edition of the official Colorado Trail Guidebook by The Colorado Trail Foundation is out now! With up-to-date details for safe & smooth adventures, insider tips & hidden gems from experienced hikers, and stunning photos & maps to fuel your trail dreams, it's a must-have for anyone planning a trek on the Colorado Trail.

2024 CMC Leadership Survey Results Are In!
On January 29th, the Adult Education team sent a Leadership Survey to about 160 leaders with the Colorado Mountain Club. Of that group we received 32 responses (20% response rate). We received responses from 9 Groups across the State which included: Denver, Western Slope Group, Pikes Peak Group, Boulder Group, El Pueblo, Roaring Fork, Gore Range, Friends of CO, Northern Colorado.

Spread the Word About CSAR Use of Channel 3.0
Do you use a Rocky Talkie or other family or general mobile radio service? If you’re ever involved in a backcountry emergency turning to channel 3.0 could help CSAR save your life!

What is Mindfulness? (Most People Get it Wrong)
Michele L. Walter is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher who learned from two of the leading western teachers—Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield—through their two-year Mindful Meditation Teacher Certification Program in partnership with Sounds True and the University of California at Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.
Parking at the AMC
FAQ about the parking at AMC.

Risk Management Corner: January
A fall on a snowshoeing trip into the Chicago Lakes basin area due to unstable terrain.

3 Helpful TIPS for Posting TRIPS
Three tips for posting CMC trips at the new website
Holiday Gift Guide 2023
Stumped on what to get for the outdoor enthusiast in your life this holiday season? Look no further - we've put together a list of gift suggestions for everyone on your list. Here are a few of our favorites...